

In our view, hiking is a fundamental part of any mountain holiday. Once you have found your ideal hiking pace, the energy exerted allows an automatic transition into a meditative state. The Lapland summer is a captivating season and hiking under the midnight sun is an unforgettable experience. In September the ground vegetation of the mountains and the tree foliage of the valleys explode in the brilliant colors of fall. For many, this is the peak of the hiking season. During our excursions in the northernmost fell world, we hike along the famous King’s Trail as well as along less frequented paths. Our experienced mountain guides will share their best hiking secrets, making your wilderness experience into a pure pleasure.  
“Climb the mountains to get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” -- John Muir